Alessandra Condello


Alessandra Condello reinterprets the cultural heritage of Abruzzo through AI TTI with the project "PASTORALE," blending traditional costumes and folklore with advanced technology elements and posthumanism concepts. The Abruzzese costumes, enriched with electronic components, become dynamic storytelling platforms that connect the past with the future. This project invites reflection on the transformation of cultural identities in the digital age, proposing a new way to live and perceive traditions through the lens of modern technology. "PASTORALE" is a celebration of cultural and technological evolution, redefining folklore in a posthuman and contemporary key.

Alessandra Condello

Alessandra Condello, of Abruzzese origin, is an architect and a transmedia and multimedia artist whose artistic practice focuses on the interaction between humans and their surrounding environment. Her artistic research fully explores this interaction, examining the relationship between natural forms, the social environment, folklore, and technology, with particular attention to posthuman evolution. Alessandra investigates how humans relate to nature, not only as observers but as integral parts of it, transforming natural and post-natural elements into wearable art and utopian spaces-environments.

Her work is characterized by a deep sensitivity towards nature's micro-codes, which are reinterpreted and incorporated into her artistic and architectural projects. She is fascinated by nature's ability to influence human forms and structures, creating a continuous dialogue between the natural and built environments.

Alessandra Condello embraces a futuristic vision in which technology and tradition merge to create new cultural and sensory experiences. Her projects often integrate interactive and digital components, transforming folklore and local traditions into contemporary narratives that challenge and redefine the concept of cultural identity in the digital age.

Through her art, she invites the audience to reflect on their connection with the natural world and to consider the possibilities of a future where humans and technology coexist in harmony with the environment. Her artistic practice is a celebration of evolution and transformation, where nature, culture, and technology intertwine to create new forms of expression and interaction.