Matteo Urbani

A Gentle Intrusion

Audio-video installation, Video, sounds, and images processed with AI: DallE2, Runway Gen-2, AudioLDM, [1 channel, digital film, 16:9 format].

The visual storytelling aims to subjectivize the viewpoint of a complex ecosystem subjected to external interferences, which thus become an integral part of a new environmental horizon. This interaction is not characterized by positive or negative aspects but becomes a soliloquy of the natural environment itself, which acknowledges the changes.

Matteo Urbani

Matteo Urbani (Teramo, 1987) lives and works in Milan. While professionally employed as an engineer, he is pursuing research in the field of visual arts at Via Farini Workspaces. After graduating in Energy and Nuclear Engineering in 2013, he studied at the Accademia di Brera, obtaining a BA in painting, where he developed his artistic background in the field of art installations.

In recent years, he has begun experimenting with digital mediums, video installations, environmental scans, and AI visual imagery research. He is currently focusing his experimentation on the theme of complex ecosystems and their relationships with anthropic dynamics. Matteo is involved in numerous projects in collaboration with multidisciplinary artists.