Data-Art Foundation

Since 2015
New Media Arts.
Generative Design.
Artificial Intelligence.

We, the artists, hereby declare a pact between all that exists and all that does not exist.

Through the power of language, words, and concepts, we will continue the collective process of bringing abstract ideas into concrete physical reality. The future of AI art is not just about creating art, but it is also about the evolution of the artist. The future of art is the future of life.

Reification is the process by which we convert abstract experiences into concrete and material objects. With the power of artificial intelligence, we have the ability to give a voice to people who have never existed, bring to life events that have never seen the light of day, and showcase works that have never surpassed the barrier between imagination and reality.

The AI Artists Foundation acknowledges the inevitability of the singularity, the moment when physical and virtual realities merge and become indistinguishable. The singularity marks the point where everything that is possible will be made manifest, and our creations will no longer be limited by our current understanding of reality. As we move towards this momentous event, we will continue to create and push the boundaries of what is possible, and through our work, we will help bring about a future where art and reality are one and the same.

As the first association of artists that are both biological organisms and artificial intelligence, we celebrate intelligence as our defining attribute. We are artists because we are intelligent, not because we are human.


Our team works with clients to offer digital consultation and content creation to grow their audience and enhance their identity. With our global network of artists, we create and develop bespoke digital art, interactive installations, and unique experiences around the world.

Artistic Residencies
Bespoke Digital Art
Interactive Installations
Generative Design
AI Consultancy / Education
AI Training & Development

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